Nino Messaoud
Nino Messaoud |  Vürfels 65 | 51427 | Bergisch Gladbach | Tel: +49 176-567-00000 | Imprint


Some hard facts about Digitalization: „Digitalization“-   is   used   very   often   as   a   buzzword   -   it   is   NOT   a   software   or   a   product.   You can‘t buy or implement it.  Digitalization   does   not   mean   to   implement   the   100th   Web   Shop   or   to   automate   the   order process.   In   the   best   case,   the   web   shop   or   automated   order   process   is   ONE   out   of   many puzzle pieces in a digitalization strategy. Allegedly   there   are   hundreds   of   experienced   consultants   for   digital   business   with   tons   of products   &   services.   Simply   ask   them   how   many   real   and   successful   digital   models   they have   developed? Ask   about   the   business   success   in   increased   revenue,   profit   or   decreased costs?  Digitalization   is   not   a   classical   project.   Usually   it   is   a   strategy   with   a   defined   starting-   but usually without a ending point (that‘s the typical difference to a classic project).  Which   companies   are   today winner   or   looser?   Because   of   changed   markets,   requirements, competition etc. or…. by Digitalization: KODAK - Because of digital cameras, conventional films are not any longer required. Strange, because Kodak was one developer of digital cameras and killed their own business. Of course, mobile devices with meanwhile top cameras killed that industry in parallel. NOKIA - They did not see any value in the development of smart phones. This was real mistake as we know today. BANKS - Not only FinTechs like e.g. N26 have increased pressure to traditional banking business. For years banks have ignored topics like mobile payment, digital business models, value-added customer services (just have a look to east Europe about their banking possibilities). The dying of the traditional banking industry just started. INSURANCE COMPANIES - The insurance industry is under similar pressure like the banking business. Today, nearly everything is online possible, so why to have an expensive network of sites & subsidiaries? POLAROID - They have completely ignored the development of digital cams. When they have finally recognized their wrong decisions, it was obviously too late. You can see the same behavior in many different industries. If the pressure by competitors and / or markets is getting to high, then in most cases it‘s already too late. Other companies which have ignored the signs of change… General Motors Motorola AOL Atari Xerox Yahoo Blockbuster Blackberry MySpace Commodore Hitachi Toshiba Palm Pan Am Netscape Toys R Us etc. But of course, there are also winners like e.g. UBER - Over the last years, especially the Unions have tried to stop Uber from starting business in Europe, instead of thinking how to fight Uber with better products & services. Wrong approach and lost time. Now Uber is active in most European countries and the traditional taxi business has no real answer how to deal with Uber. This is a typical example of disruptive business. Apple - has already recognized in a very early stage of their success story, that top service is a key success factor. All communication channels are already digital, while competitors still did not really understand & copy. Amazon   -   is   making   only   a   fraction   of   revenue   with   their   online   shops.   Amazon   has recognized   very   early,   that   platforms   do   unify   services   and   grant   access   across   different groups   of   interest.   This   said:   there   are   nearly   no   business   areas   left,   where Amazon   has   no access   to.   The   culture   of   Amazon   is   different.   They   invest   every   year   huge   amount   of money   into   R&D.   Out   of   these   investments,   only   a   handful   new   products   and   /   or   services is really successful, but each new success story extends Amazons portfolio. So why to focus on digitalization? First   of   all,….   Digitalization   is,   what   you   make   out   of   it.   Digitalization   must   be   100%   personalized and   should   mirror   your   business   needs   &   targets.   Now   and   in   the   future.   So   the   right   question should be:  What do  YOU want to achieve with digitalization in YOUR company? How competitive are your products & services?Take into consideration: In many cases you can‘t see tomorrow‘s competitors today. Digitalization offers non-experts outside your business sector to become a real competitor (see online business, 3D-printers etc.). Put yourself into position to see your own products & services from customers- and suppliers’ point of view. How would the perfect cooperation look like with highest automation in between your customers, suppliers and your own organization? How would the perfect service level look like to ease your customers’ & suppliers’ business and cooperation with you? Don‘t think in terms like „we did it always like this“ or „this particular processes made us successful! All i spossible…if you want. ECO networks are most probably the future ‘s collaboration platforms to unify processes between all parties. What ‘s about, you can read HERE. How would your business / market change within the next 3-5 years to come? Don ‘t belong to the „losers“which did judge the future requirements wrong. Keep in mind, that business models, markets, customer requirements etc. are changing faster and faster. There are far more negative examples than you know like e.g. (Nokia - they thought smartphones will never become successful -, Microsoft - they thought the iPhone will only exist for a small period of time -, Taxis - the taxi union did fight 3 years legally against Uber and then to lose the court case, instead of using this precious time to think about advanced services & how to fight Uber. There are dozens of these examples where Managers & Leaders made wrong decisions. How do YOU have to organize your company to be competitive tomorrow? Sign on for my newsletter about digitalization topics. Of course, free of charge. You can cancel it at any time and you will certainly NOT receive any kind of offers etc.
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Just a short hint: I don‘t sell any kind of services or products. I only want to initiate information exchange about digitalization and maybe to clarify one or the other myth about this topic. Thank you.

LINKEDIN postings

If you look at my BLOG you‘ll find my postings on LINKEDIN.
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Ea eiusmod non

Dolore cillum, labore eiusmod est cupidatat ea. Duis labore aute commodo. Nulla adipisicing non fugiat nulla aliqua. Officia sit tempor sint sed ipsum ut esse ad laboris tempor.
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Ea eiusmod non dolore cillum, labore eiusmod est cupidatat ea. Duis labore aute commodo. Nulla adipisicing non fugiat nulla aliqua. Officia sit tempor sint sed ipsum ut esse ad laboris tempor.
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Duis labore aute

Ea eiusmod non dolore cillum, labore eiusmod est cupidatat ea. Duis labore aute commodo. Nulla adipisicing non fugiat nulla aliqua. Officia sit tempor sint sed ipsum ut esse ad laboris tempor.
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Some hard facts about Digitalization: „Digitalization“-   is   used   very   often   as   a   buzzword   -   it is    NOT    a    software    or    a    product.    You    can‘t    buy    or implement it.  Digitalization   does   not   mean   to   implement   the   100th Web   Shop   or   to   automate   the   order   process.   In   the best   case,   the   web   shop   or   automated   order   process is   ONE   out   of   many   puzzle   pieces   in   a   digitalization strategy. Allegedly      there      are      hundreds      of      experienced consultants   for   digital   business   with   tons   of   products &    services.    Simply    ask    them    how    many    real    and successful   digital   models   they   have   developed?   Ask about    the    business    success    in    increased    revenue, profit or decreased costs?  Digitalization   is   not   a   classical   project.   Usually   it   is   a strategy   with   a   defined   starting-   but   usually   without   a ending   point   (that‘s   the   typical   difference   to   a   classic project).  Which     companies     are     today     winner     or     looser? Because       of       changed       markets,       requirements, competition etc. or…. by Digitalization: KODAK - Because of digital cameras, conventional films are not any longer required. Strange, because Kodak was one developer of digital cameras and killed their own business. Of course, mobile devices with meanwhile top cameras killed that industry in parallel. NOKIA - They did not see any value in the development of smart phones. This was real mistake as we know today. BANKS - Not only FinTechs like e.g. N26 have increased pressure to traditional banking business. For years banks have ignored topics like mobile payment, digital business models, value-added customer services (just have a look to east Europe about their banking possibilities). The dying of the traditional banking industry just started. INSURANCE COMPANIES - The insurance industry is under similar pressure like the banking business. Today, nearly everything is online possible, so why to have an expensive network of sites & subsidiaries? POLAROID - They have completely ignored the development of digital cams. When they have finally recognized their wrong decisions, it was obviously too late. You can see the same behavior in many different industries. If the pressure by competitors and / or markets is getting to high, then in most cases it‘s already too late. Other companies which have ignored the signs of change… General Motors Motorola AOL Atari Xerox Yahoo Blockbuster Blackberry MySpace Commodore Hitachi Toshiba Palm Pan Am Netscape Toys R Us etc. But of course, there are also winners like e.g. UBER - Over the last years, especially the Unions have tried to stop Uber from starting business in Europe, instead of thinking how to fight Uber with better products & services. Wrong approach and lost time. Now Uber is active in most European countries and the traditional taxi business has no real answer how to deal with Uber. This is a typical example of disruptive business. Apple - has already recognized in a very early stage of their success story, that top service is a key success factor. All communication channels are already digital, while competitors still did not really understand & copy. Amazon   -   is   making   only   a   fraction   of   revenue   with their   online   shops. Amazon   has   recognized very   early, that    platforms    do    unify    services    and    grant    access across   different   groups   of   interest. This   said:   there   are nearly   no   business   areas   left,   where   Amazon   has   no access   to.   The   culture   of   Amazon   is   different.   They invest   every   year   huge   amount   of   money   into   R&D. Out     of     these     investments,     only     a     handful     new products    and    /    or    services    is    really    successful,    but each new success story extends Amazons portfolio. So why to focus on digitalization? First    of    all,….    Digitalization    is,   what   you    make    out    of    it. Digitalization    must    be    100%    personalized    and    should mirror    your    business    needs    &    targets.    Now    and    in    the future. So the right question should be:  What   do    YOU   want   to   achieve   with   digitalization   in   YOUR company? How competitive are your products & services?Take into consideration: In many cases you can‘t see tomorrow‘s competitors today. Digitalization offers non-experts outside your business sector to become a real competitor (see online business, 3D-printers etc.). Put yourself into position to see your own products & services from customers- and suppliers’ point of view. How would the perfect cooperation look like with highest automation in between your customers, suppliers and your own organization? How would the perfect service level look like to ease your customers’ & suppliers’ business and cooperation with you? Don‘t think in terms like „we did it always like this“ or „this particular processes made us successful! All i spossible…if you want. ECO networks are most probably the future ‘s collaboration platforms to unify processes between all parties. What ‘s about, you can read HERE. How   would   your   business   /   market   change   within   the next 3-5 years to come? Don ‘t belong to the „losers“which did judge the future requirements wrong. Keep in mind, that business models, markets, customer requirements etc. are changing faster and faster. There are far more negative examples than you know like e.g. (Nokia - they thought smartphones will never become successful -, Microsoft - they thought the iPhone will only exist for a small period of time -, Taxis - the taxi union did fight 3 years legally against Uber and then to lose the court case, instead of using this precious time to think about advanced services & how to fight Uber. There are dozens of these examples where Managers & Leaders made wrong decisions. How do YOU have to organize your company to be competitive tomorrow? Sign on for my newsletter about digitalization topics. Of course, free of charge. You can cancel it at any time and you will certainly NOT receive any kind of offers etc.
ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ ྕ


Just a short hint: I don‘t sell any kind of services or products. I only want to initiate information exchange about digitalization and maybe to clarify one or the other myth about this topic. Thank you.

Ea eiusmod non

Dolore cillum, labore eiusmod est cupidatat ea. Duis labore aute commodo. Nulla adipisicing non fugiat nulla aliqua. Officia sit tempor sint sed ipsum ut esse ad laboris tempor.
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Ea eiusmod non dolore cillum, labore eiusmod est cupidatat ea. Duis labore aute commodo. Nulla adipisicing non fugiat nulla aliqua. Officia sit tempor sint sed ipsum ut esse ad laboris tempor.
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Duis labore aute

Ea eiusmod non dolore cillum, labore eiusmod est cupidatat ea. Duis labore aute commodo. Nulla adipisicing non fugiat nulla aliqua. Officia sit tempor sint sed ipsum ut esse ad laboris tempor.
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LINKEDIN postings

If you look at my BLOG you‘ll find my postings on LINKEDIN.