Nino Messaoud
Nino Messaoud |  Vürfels 65 | 51427 | Bergisch Gladbach | Tel: +49 176-567-00000 | Imprint

My Publishings

enjoy reading… My publishings in German & English. Leadership in the Digital Age (english) Digitalisierung, Ja, Nein, Vielleicht (Teil 1) Digitalisierung, Ja, Nein, Vielleicht (Teil 2) Digitalization is what? (english) Eine moderne Rolle für die IT From chaos to Order…the value of data What stops you from investigating the digital change?

Why do I publish articles?

The answer is very simple: FEEDBACK ! Usually I receive feedback on LINKEDIN and XING. Or people do share my thoughts or I receive different point of view, new ideas etc. I am not doing this to win the Publitzer, but keep my look sharp beyond the horizon and beyond the industries I know.

THE mission statement of  Digitalization

PHANTASY is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited!! Source: Albert Einstein

Still valid….

It‘s not enough to know something - you have to do it & to use the knowledge. It‘s not enough to „want“ something…. you have to do it. Source: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


From time to time I publish articles on LINKEDIn and XING.
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My Publishings

enjoy reading… My publishings in German & English. Leadership in the Digital Age (english) Digitalisierung, Ja, Nein, Vielleicht (Teil 1) Digitalisierung, Ja, Nein, Vielleicht (Teil 2) Digitalization is what? (english) Eine moderne Rolle für die IT From chaos to Order…the value of data What stops you from investigating the digital change?

Why do I publish articles?

The answer is very simple: FEEDBACK ! Usually I receive feedback on LINKEDIN and XING. Or people do share my thoughts or I receive different point of view, new ideas etc. I am not doing this to win the Publitzer, but keep my look sharp beyond the horizon and beyond the industries I know.

THE mission statement of  Digitalization

PHANTASY is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited!! Source: Albert Einstein

Still valid….

It‘s not enough to know something - you have to do it & to use the knowledge. It‘s not enough to „want“ something…. you have to do it. Source: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


From time to time I publish articles on LINKEDIn and XING.